Behind the Blackboard! Weighted Overall Grade Calculation Configuration Opens in the Advanced Tab and Appears Missing - Behind the Blackboard Skip Navigation
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Weighted Overall Grade Calculation Configuration Opens in the Advanced Tab and Appears Missing

Date Published: Jul 27,2024

CategoryPlanned First Fix Release:3900.82.0 Release; Product:Blackboard Learn SaaS; Version:SaaS
Article No.: 000078267
Learn SaaS
Service Pack(s):

Following the January release of v3900.82 that went out to production servers on 4 January 2024, we were made aware of irregularities in the display of the weighted Overall Grade Calculation configuration. 

The observed behavior is that the weighted overall grade calculation incorrectly opens in the Advanced tab. The "Advanced" formula editor does not support editing a "Weighted" formula, resulting in the view showing no formula configured. Switching to the Weighted tab incorrectly shows all categories being equally weighted. 

The issue is related to a bug that affects how the interface displays the stored weighted overall grade configuration only.  


The underlying overall grade configuration is correct and remains unchanged unless the instructor saves the incorrectly displayed configuration. 

Steps to Repeat:
  1. Log into Blackboard Learn Ultra Experience as an administrator or instructor. 
  2. Navigate to an existing Ultra Course that is using the Weighted Overall Grade calculation. 
  3. Go to Gradebook > Edit the Overall Grade > The configuration displays blank in the Advanced tab. 
  4. Go to the Gradebook > Gradebook Settings > Manage Overall grade settings > The configuration displays blank in the Advanced tab. 

Do not select Save. This will overwrite the calculation configuration stored in the database. 

Observed Behavior:  
The weighted calculation configuration opens in the Advanced tab without any configuration. Switching to the Weighted tab incorrectly shows all categories being equally weighted. 

Expected Behavior:  
The weighted calculation configuration opens in the Weighted tab with categories or items having defined weightings. 

Target Release:

SaaS - Fixed (v3900.82.0-rel.34)

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