Behind the Blackboard! Known Issue: Chrome or Edge crashes when application sharing for a small percentage of Windows 10 users - Behind the Blackboard Skip Navigation
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Known Issue: Chrome or Edge crashes when application sharing for a small percentage of Windows 10 users

Date Published: Sep 29,2020

Article No.: 000060664
Known Issue: Chrome or Edge with Chromium crashes when application sharing for a small percentage of Windows 10 users with Realtek drivers. This issue is a problem with Chromium.


Known Issue Summary

The Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser crashes when application sharing in Collaborate for a small percentage of Windows 10 users with Realtek drivers. This issue seems to be a problem with Chromium and the driver. 

Affected Platforms

Windows 10, Google Chrome browser, Edge with Chromium, Realtek driver


The issue seems to be an incompatibility between the Realtek exe and Chromium's application sharing module.



Workaround 1
To fix Chrome or Edge, please try the following workaround:
  1. Using Window's search bar, search for: SwUSB.exe
  2. Rename the file to something similar to SwUSB-rename.exe
  3. Restart your computer and try application sharing again
Workaround 2
Use Firefox to Application Share


If you would like to inform Google of the issue, please follow Google's directions on reporting crashes here:

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