Behind the Blackboard! Calculated Formula Answers not Graded Correctly in Language Packs Using Other Thousands Separator - Behind the Blackboard Skip Navigation
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Calculated Formula Answers not Graded Correctly in Language Packs Using Other Thousands Separator

Date Published: Nov 14,2024

CategoryPlanned First Fix Release:Future Reference; Product:Blackboard Learn SaaS; Version:3900.102.0,3900.104.0,3900.106.0
Article No.: 000090058
Learn SaaS
Service Pack(s):
3900.102.0, 3900.104.0, 3900.106.0

When students provide the numeric answer to a calculated formula question in the format "10 000 000" - with a space as the separator - the answer is graded as incorrect. 

When no thousands separator is entered, but just the integer number as "10000000", the answer is graded as correct.


This issue is reported for Language Packs where the thousands separator is not a comma ( fr_FR using space).

Steps to Repeat:
  1. Log into Blackboard Learn Ultra Experience as an instructor
  2. Access an Ultra Course
  3. Create a test and add a Calculated formula Question using this format:  "[number] x 1000000 = ?" 
  4. In the math editor enter the answer formula: number*1000000 > Next
  5. On the Answer settings section select: 

Answer format = Normal
Rounding Decimal places = 0
Variable ranges
Number minimum = 1
Number maximum = 100
Number decimal places = 0
Number of answer sets = 3 (any value at least one will do)

  1. Click on Next
  2. On the Verification section populate the answer set. Use 1, 10, 100
  3. Click on Calculate answers > Save
  4. In the test select 'Allow students to add content at end of assessment'
  5. In the Assessment settings select 'No due date' and 'Unlimited attempts'
  6. Save and make the test visible to students
  7. Log in as student and change the user language to French 
  8. Access the course and take the test
  9. Provide an answer to the calculated formula question without using any thousands separator
  10. Make another attempt and this time provide an answer to the calculated formula question using space as thousands separator
  11. Assume the variable [number] value was 10 in the question
  12. Type 10000000 without any separator and submit

Observed Behavior: The answer is correct and is displayed on screen with separators as 10 000 000.

  1. Type 10 000 000 with space as thousands separator and submit.

Observed Behavior: The answer is incorrect and is displayed on screen as 10000 000. Observe the first space separator is missing.
When submitting a number using space as separator the answer is graded as wrong.

Expected Behavior:

The values submitted by students to be correctly interpreted and graded, with and without thousands separators, according to the Language Pack of the student when submitting.



Target Release:

Future Reference

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