Behind the Blackboard! Preview is not Allowed for Documents in Assignments Converted to Ultra Courses - Behind the Blackboard Skip Navigation
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Preview is not Allowed for Documents in Assignments Converted to Ultra Courses

Date Published: Nov 14,2024

CategoryPlanned First Fix Release:Future Reference; Product:Blackboard Learn SaaS; Version:3900.102.0,3900.104.0,3900.106.0
Article No.: 000090033
Learn SaaS
Service Pack(s):
3900.102.0, 3900.104.0, 3900.106.0

When users try to use inline preview of attachments to Instructions of Assignments converted from Original to Ultra the preview shows blank, and the file is immediately downloaded.

Steps to Repeat:
  1. Log into Blackboard Learn Ultra Experience as an administrator
  2. Create a new Original Course
  3. Click on Content and create an assignment named "Test_assignment"
  4. Create a new item called "Test_item"
  5. In both, the assignment and item, add one PDF file and one Word document
  6. Click on Admin and access an Original Course > Select Copy and Convert (for converting this course to Ultra)
  7. Access both the content, assignment and item in the Ultra Course

Observed Behavior:
When the user clicks on the disclosure triangle to preview, the preview is blank and the file is downloaded instead. 

Expected Behavior: 

The Preview should be shown for each document in the Assignment. 

Target Release:

Future Reference

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