Behind the Blackboard! Assignment's Exception Due Date is not Shown Until the Release Condition Time is Met - Behind the Blackboard Skip Navigation
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Assignment's Exception Due Date is not Shown Until the Release Condition Time is Met

Date Published: Jul 27,2024

CategoryPlanned First Fix Release:3900.58.0 Release; Product:Blackboard Learn SaaS; Version:Ultra
Article No.: 000076926
Learn SaaS
Service Pack(s):
In Ultra View, when an exception due date is set with a release condition, the default due date keeps showing until the release time is met.
Steps to Repeat:
  1. Log into Blackboard Learn Ultra Experience as an administrator
  2. Create and access a course > Create an assignment with a due date in the future
  3. Create a student user > Enroll this user in the course created in step 2
  4. Edit the assignment created in step 2 > Add an exception due date for the student created in step 3 
  5. Set a release condition to the assignment created in step 2 to be shown in 10 minutes
  6. Log in as the student > Access the course created in step 2, and go to the assignment under Content Area
Observed Behavior:
The assignment has the default due date set in step 2.

Expected Behavior: The assignment has the exception due date set in step 4.

     7. Wait for the 10 minutes (release condition set in step 5 ) to pass 

Observed Behavior: The assignment has the exception due date set in step 4.

Target Release:

SaaS-Fixed (v3900.58.0)

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