Behind the Blackboard! Journal Multimedia Feedback Panel Does not Render - Behind the Blackboard Skip Navigation
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Journal Multimedia Feedback Panel Does not Render

Date Published: Jul 27,2024

CategoryPlanned First Fix Release:3900.91.0 Release; Product:Blackboard Learn SaaS; Version:Ultra
Article No.: 000078420
Learn SaaS
Service Pack(s):
When an instructor posts multimedia feedback like an audio or video recorded on Learn and submits it, this audio/video panel does not render when trying to reproduce it.
Steps to Repeat:
  1. Log into Blackboard Learn Ultra Experience as an administrator
  2. Create an Ultra Course and create a gradable Journal in it
  3. Enroll an instructor and a student or access in Student Preview user
  4. Access as the student and submit a post in the Journal.
  5. Access as the instructor and send audio feedback for the student’s submission. This is recorded on Learn using the feedback option.
  6. Try to reproduce the sent feedback


Observed Behavior:
The feedback playback does not reproduce the audio.

Expected Behavior:
The feedback playback should reproduce the audio.

Target Release:

SaaS-Fixed (v3900.91.0)

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