Documents that are hidden on Forced Sequence enabled modules are being copied and made available to students in destination courses.
Steps to Repeat:
- Log into Blackboard Learn Ultra Experience as an administrator
- Navigate to System Admin > Courses
- Create an Ultra View Course and enroll as an instructor in the course
- Enter the Course and create two Modules with Documents in them
- Set the visibility for both Modules to Hidden from Students
- Set only one of the Modules to use Force Sequence
- Create a second Ultra Course and enroll as an Instructor in it
- In the Course Content area, press the three dots "..." and then select the "Copy Items"
- Copy the content from the first Course into the Second one
- Review the visibility of the copied items
Observed Behavior: Students can now view the Force Sequence Module documents, but the Force Sequence-free Module is still hidden.
Expected Behavior:The Destination Course would still hide content from both modules.