Behind the Blackboard! Blackboard Learn 3900.86 Release - Behind the Blackboard Skip Navigation
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Blackboard Learn 3900.86 Release

Date Published: Jul 27,2024

CategoryPlanned First Fix Release:3900.86.0 Release; Product:Blackboard Learn MH,Blackboard Learn SaaS,Blackboard Learn Software; Version:Blackboard Learn
Article No.: 000078357
Learn SaaS


Update to client Production environments (Published April 1, 2024):
Anthology deployed an off-cycle Learn SaaS 3900.86.0 (full release number: 3900.86.0-rel.50+5a16bdd) Maintenance Release to Production environments to provide an urgent AI Design Assistant fix.
Update to client Production environments (Published March 28, 2024):
An updated version of 3900.86.0 (full release number: 3900.86.0-rel.49+1802b14) is being applied to client Production servers on Thursday, March 28, 2024.

  • When Accessing Behind the Blackboard in the System Admin Panel the Page cannot be Reached - Article #78437

We have fixed this issue. 
Update to client Production environments (Published March 14, 2024):
An updated version of 3900.86.0 (full release number: 3900.86.0-rel.41+0e2f9e0) is being applied to client Production servers on Thursday, March 14, 2024.

  • Attendance Panel Does Not Always Open on the First Attempt- Article #77865
  • Automatic Feedback on Test Questions Shows an 'Undefined' Value for Students When Embedding LTI Content- Article #78427
  • Kaltura Migration Tool Adds Placements to Unexpected Location

We have fixed these issues. 


Update to client Production environments (Published March 7, 2024):
An updated version of 3900.86.0 (full release number: 3900.86.0-rel.39+6046f0e4) is being applied to client Production servers on Thursday, March 7, 2024.

  • No additional fixes in today's release. 


Update to client Test/Stage environments (Published March 5, 2024):
An updated version of 3900.86.0 (full release number: 3900.86.0-rel.39+6046f0e4) is being applied to client Test servers on Tuesday, March 5, 2024.

  • Copying Ultra Rubrics to Other Courses Brings Full File Content- Article #78143
  • Content is not Being Displayed in Content Items as Displayed in the Content Editor- Article #78101
  • Language Which Uses Decimal Comma Shows NaN Value for Grade- Article #78350
  • Hidden Documents on Forced Sequence Enabled Modules are Being Copied as Visible-to-Students Documents on the Destination Courses- Article #78363
  • We have updated the 'cleanup of course_assessment' table with 'feedback_settings' column as null with the following statement which will be taken care as part of Upgrade Listener: ResetInvalidFeedbackSettingsUpgradeListener
  • Adding Placements Before Mapping the Panopto Building Block Results in Error
  • When running two subscribed reports, nothing is populated in the "response period" dropdown report parameter even though the survey has different response periods.

We have fixed these issues. 

Update to client Test/Stage environments (Published February 27, 2024):
An updated version of 3900.86.0 (full release number: 3900.86.0-rel.28+04eebdc) is being applied to client Test servers on Tuesday, February 27, 2024.

  • When searching a course filter using the 'Startswith' option in the sorting, the courses do not populate even though when searched with required fields. 
  • Edited 'Fill in Multiple Blanks' Type Questions Causes an Error When Accessing Student Attempt- Article #78271
  • During the process of converting Building Block content to LTI, under the 'Courses To Migrate' option, some courses cannot be found. 
  • When deleting a deeplinking placement of Kaltura or any B2 a course gets wrongly mapped with other B2 deeplinking placements. 

We have fixed these issues. 


Update to client Test/Stage environments (Published February 20, 2024):
An updated version of 3900.86.0 (full release number: 3900.86.0-rel.25+163f46f ) is being applied to client Test servers on Tuesday, February 20, 2024.

  • Submission Receipt ID is no Longer Shown on the Flex Grading GUI- Article #78105
  • Creating Assignments with API Allows "Assessment Results" Settings to get Stuck- Article #78317
  • The Virtual Classroom Setting Disappears When it Does not Allow Students to Access- Article #78349
  • The Downloaded copy of the Full Grade Center in the Original Courses Does not Include all the Columns- Article #78359
  • We have updated the description wording of the 'running total' option to 'Calculate grades based on points earned out of total graded points. This change has now been implemented for all supported locales. 
  • In an assessment (test/assignment) that has questions with at least one presentation only question, awarding Full Credit on a regular question (using Edit/Regrade) makes the presentation-only question show up with a grade pill. This prevents the attempt grade from being calculated properly as presentation-only questions do not have a grade.

We have fixed these issues. 

Update to client Test/Stage environments (Published February 13, 2024):
An updated version of 3900.86.0 (full release number: 3900.86.0-rel.20+1548aa5) is being applied to client Test servers on Tuesday, February 13, 2024.

  • In Original View Courses Using Learning Modules the Submit Button for Assessments is Hidden From Safari Users on Mac iOS- Article #77838
  • Assignment Links not Shown in Course Performance Report for Ultra Courses- Article #78091
  • Enabling Alternate Domains for Ultra breaks HTML links in Original Courses.

We have fixed these issues. 


The March 2024 - 3900.86 release is robust with features in 10 areas:

  • Instructional design;
  • Competency based education;
  • Tests and assignments;
  • Communication and collaboration;
  • Flexible grading;
  • Gradebook;
  • Learner progression and personalized experience;
  • Integrations;
  • Learn core and security, and;
  • Upgrade to Ultra

These improvements impact instructors, students, and administrators. Some features do require administrative action.


  • AI Design Assistant – Context picker for test question generation
  • Goal alignment to Journals
  • No Due Date assessment setting
  • Last used view state of flexible grading side panels preserved
  • Gradebook item statistics
  • Text grade schema converts to points
  • Send messages to students from the Student Activity report for assessments on small and medium devices and the mobile app
  • Moodle conversion improvements

Instructors and Students:

  • Announcement indicators and mark as read/unread


  • Converting Building Block content to LTI: MediaSite course content
  • Converting Building Block content to LTI: Automatic Conversion
  • Rubric Associations API Enhancements
  • Group File Size limit for Ultra courses

Instructional Design


AI Design Assistant – Context picker for test question generation 
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors

The AI Design Assistant offers inspiration and efficiency when generating test questions. Instructors can now select course items to help define questions. This option improves the alignment of generated questions to course content.

For administrators: In Installed Tools, select Settings for AI Design Assistant and Unsplash. The default state is 'off.' When this feature is ‘on,’ you will need to assign the following privileges to course roles as necessary, i.e. Instructor: 'Search for images using Unsplash’ and ‘Use AI features’.


Competency Based Education


Goal alignment to Journals 
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors

Institutions want to align goals to course content. Goal alignment ensures that the curriculum is designed to meet specific learning outcomes.

Instructors can now align goals to journals to ensure that the activity measures the desired learning outcomes. This helps to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of evaluation and feedback practices.

Instructors can also align goals to the following course items:

  • Assignments
  • Tests, including individual questions
  • Questions in banks
  • Discussions
  • Rubrics criterion
  • Files
  • Web links
  • Teaching tools with LTI connection
  • Documents

For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.


Tests & Assignments


No Due Date assessment option 
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors

Due dates are an important aspect of the teaching and learning process. In some scenarios, such as self-paced learning, an instructor may not want to apply a due date. To make the option for not having a due date more evident, we've added a "No due date" option for Tests and Assignments.

We also updated the default due date and time to tomorrow’s date at 11:59 pm.

There may be cases when the “No due date” selection conflicts with the Assessment Results settings. When this occurs, the instructor is prompted to review the settings.

Instructors can navigate to the Assessment Results section in the Settings via the link in the banner.

For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.


Communication & Collaboration


Announcement indicators and mark announcements as read/unread 
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors, Students

Announcements are an important communications channel within a course. Over the past 12 months, course announcements usage has more than tripled! With such an increase in usage, it is important to help create awareness of new announcements and read/unread controls.

Now, there is a number indicator next to the announcement tab in the course. The indicator signals the number of unread announcements available.

Additionally, users can now mark announcements as read or unread. On the New Course Announcement pop-up, users have the option to mark the read state. Users can also mark announcements as read or unread from the Announcement page.

For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.


Flexible Grading

Last used view state of flexible grading side panels preserved
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors

Instructors want to configure the grading interface according to their preferences. In flexible grading, instructors can collapse or expand the left panel (student cards) and right panel (feedback and rubrics). To provide a better user experience, the last used state is now preserved in the browser. Now,  navigating between student attempts and across sessions provides a more efficient experience.

For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.




Gradebook item statistics 
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors


Item statistics give insight to course members' overall performance on a graded content. Now, instructors can select a column in the gradebook to access summary statistics for any graded item. The statistics page displays key metrics such as:

  • Minimum and maximum value
  • Range
  • Average
  • Median
  • Standard deviation
  • Variance

The number of submissions requiring grading and the distribution of grades also displays.

For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.


Learner Progression & Personalized Experience


Send messages to students from the Student Activity report for assessments on small and medium devices and the Mobile App
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors

Instructors lead busy, on-the-go lives and access Learn from a variety of devices. Some instructors use small or medium devices or the mobile app. Now these instructors can send messages to students from the Student Activity report for assessments. The message option is in the ellipsis menu for each student.

For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.




Converting Building Block content to LTI: MediaSite course content
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Original Experience
Original Course View
Impact: Administrators

Mediasite, a comprehensive rich media system, integrates with Original courses via building blocks. With building block support ending, administrators can now use the conversion tool with Mediasite content.

The tool currently supports the conversion of content embedded with the content editor and mashup links. The conversion tool transitions Mediasite for content links from Building Block to LTI.

Administrators must configure the MediaSite LTI integration before converting links. Custom parameters will not be required for this configuration.

Next, an administrator will choose courses to be scanned for MediaSite links. Select the MediaSite Building Block. Use the course search tool to select courses for link migration.

Administrators can monitor the status of a conversion process. Choose MediaSite as the Building Block. Define the start and end dates to find the desired migration task. Select Search. The results will indicate the number of courses that were successful, and the number of courses with failures.

For administrators: If a course contains content from MediaSite, ShareStream, Panopto, Kaltura and/or Echo360 building blocks, the conversion process must be performed once for each Building Block.


Converting Building Block content to LTI: Automatic Conversion
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Original Experience
Original Course View
Impact: Administrators

Many Original courses contain content links for the partners listed below. Now, we auto-convert Building Block links for these partner contents to LTI when importing an Original course or restoring an Original course archive.

  • Kaltura
  • Echo360
  • Panopto
  • ShareStream
  • MediaSite

The automatic conversion ensures that course content transitions to LTI. This will promote consistency and adaptability across the platform.

For administrators: To ensure the auto-conversion of building block links to LTI, please review the following:

  • The administrator must configure each building block in the Migration Service Settings section of the Conversion tool in the Admin Panel Settings.
  • The administrator must configure each associated LTI integration before converting the links.
  • The administrator will have the capability to enable/disable this functionality through a feature flag via a support ticket.

Rubric Associations API Enhancements 
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Administrators

Rubrics serve as a well-organized and transparent framework for assessing student work. Administrators can now manage associations for rubrics via API for the following:

  • tests
  • assignments (without questions)
  • graded discussions
  • individual questions (Original course view only)

Managing rubrics and their associations via API streamlines rubric alignment across many courses.

Administrators can now use the enhanced API to perform the full spectrum of CRUD operations: create, update and delete rubric associations.

Developers will gain access to the following endpoints:

  • POST: public/v1/courses/{courseId}/rubrics/{rubricId}/associations
  • PATCH: public/v1/courses/{courseId}/rubrics/{rubricId}/associations/{rubricAssociationId}
  • DELETE: public/v1/courses/{courseId}/rubrics/{rubricId}/associations/{rubricAssociationId}

For administrators: Refer to the API documentation for detailed information about entitlements to perform CRUD operations on Rubric Associations.

Learn Core & Security

Group File Size limit for ultra courses
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Administrators

Administrators are tasked with the management of storage used by courses. To help, we have added a feature to equip administrators to set file upload limits by file extensions. For example, if an administrator wants to prevent users from uploading any Word documents, they can set the file upload extensions for .docx, .doc, .docm, .dotx, .dot, and other Word extensions. This way, users will not be able to upload any files with those extensions to the course that exceed the limit set by the administrator.

Administrators can specify a maximum file size that applies to files in general. They may also set maximum file sizes by groups defined by file extensions. There are no restrictions on the number of groups an administrator can define.


  • An institution has a policy of 512MB size limit for most files. The administrator sets that limit for the maximum file size.
  • The institution licenses a video platform and wants users to store large videos there. Because of this, the limit for video in Ultra courses will be 25MB.
  • The administrator creates a group for video and sets the limit.
  • The administrator defines the following file extensions, each separated by a comma. This will restrict all video files .webm, .mkv, .flv, .vob, .ogv, .ogg, .drc, .gif, .gifv, .mng, .avi, .MTS, .M2TS, .TS, .mov, .qt, .wmv, .yuv, .rm, .rmvb, .viv, .asf, .amv, .mp4, .m4p, .m4v, .mp2, .mpe, .mpv, .mpg, .mpeg, .m2v, .svi, .3gp, .3g2, .mxf, .roq, .nsv, .f4v, .f4p, .f4a, .f4b

For administrators: This feature applies to Ultra courses except for Content collection direct uploads. To configure it, open the Administrator Panel -> System Configuration -> File size limits.


Upgrade to Ultra


Moodle Conversion Improvements
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Instructors

These improvements will not be available immediately in the release to Test/Stage environments for the 3900.86 release. We will update this note and send an email notification to followers of this page when it becomes available.

We continue to make progress on improving the conversion of Moodle courses. With this update, we're adding support for converting the following Moodle Question Types:

  • Multiple Choice (Single Answer)
  • Multiple Choice (Multiple Answers)
  • True/False
  • Matching
  • Short Answer
  • Numerical
  • Essay
  • Calculated
  • Calculated Multichoice (Single Answer)
  • Calculated Multichoice (Multiple Answers)
  • Calculated Simple

For administrators: This feature will be available for all courses. There are no configurations needed.



Maintenance Fixes

You can view maintenance items for 3900.86 on Behind the Blackboard.  Our Known Issue articles provide information for individual bug fixes, and may include bug descriptions and which Learn versions were affected. You can filter bug fixes by SaaS release for easier navigation. Here are highlights of issues fixed in this release:

  • Overall Grade Shows Different Results in List and Grid View When the Overall Grade by Letters is Selected- Article #78153
  • Ultra Navigation Menu at Moderate Breakpoint can be Blank in Safari/Webkit on Mac OS and Mobiles- Article #77901
  • Bb Annotate Reloads when Saving Assignment Feedback- Article #78032
  • In the Ultra Base Navigation Accessing the Course via LTI Usage Count Causes Additional Administrator Panel View to be Created- Article #77895
  • Unable to Delete Overwritten File in Near Overquota Courses- Article #78120
  • Sometimes Instructors Get an Error When Trying to View a Journal Entry- Article #78220
  • When Editing Module Custom Content on Institution Pages Users Cannot Backspace From Current to Previous Line- Article #78107
  • Essay Questions are Shown as Short Answers in Question Analysis in Ultra- Article #78088
  • Matching Question Having Only Images in Question Editor Give "A value must be provided" Message- Article #75432
  • 'Oops! Something Went Wrong' Error Occurs While Copying from an Original to an Ultra Course if Announcements are Disabled in the Original Course- Article #78218
  • In Ultra Courses Adding an Add Text Item Into Pools Makes That Content Counted as a Question Changing Student's Score- Article #77755
  • Unexpected " " Inserted Before Bold and Italicized Text in RTE- Article #78141
  • The Blackboard Help Link Does not Work in the Tools Dropdown- Article #77614
  • Input Fields for Fill in the Blank Plus Questions Float to the Next Line on Mobile Breakpoint- Article #78231
  • Scores for Full Credit Questions do not Match Scores in the GUI on the Downloaded Test Result File- Article #77375
  • Using Question Pool Adds the 'Add Text' as a Question- Article #78281
  • Instructors Cannot Advance From Student to Student Grading a Journal- Article #78013
  • The Notification Panel in Flexible Grading's View of Questions Tab Causes the Last Attempt of Question Pool to be Cropped- Article #78245
  • Wrong Translation for Ultra Course Status from English to Spanish- Article #77822
  • Adding a Bookmark to a Course from the Resource Picker Freezes the Browser Tab- Article #77802
  • Screen Reader not Reading Test Questions- Article #78138
  • Instructor's Submission Counts in the Grade Center- Article #78008
  • Ultra Conversion Report is not Created Leading to an Oops! box When Viewing the Conversion Details- Article #77993

Top Issues

Article Number Component Service Pack(s) Description Target Fix Release Patch Available
000078193 Blackboard Learn SaaS Ultra The Grades & Participation panel for a gradable discussion requests much more data than is shown on screen.  SaaS-Fixed (v3900.102.0)
000075982 Blackboard Learn SaaS Older_Release When copying the Instructor Course Role, an 'Oops! Something Went Wrong' messages appears on the site homepage.  SaaS-Fixed (v3900.102.0)
000078872 Blackboard Learn SaaS 3900.98.0, 3900.100.0 When entering non-English characters (such as Japanese, Arabic, Russian, Spanish, or other languages with special characters) into the student help text field, the system returns hexadecimal character codes instead of displaying the actual characters.<br><br>This issue affects the readability and usability of the text for users who require non-English characters. SaaS-Fixed (v3900.102.0)
000078912 Blackboard Learn SaaS 3900.95.0, 3900.98.0, 3900.100.0 When the &#39;Students and participants can&#39;t create or reply to course and organization messages&#39; is set at the administrator level there should not be a &#39;Send Message&#39; Icon or a &#39;Message Group&#39; button when clicking on &#39;Show members&#39;.<br><br>Currently the &#39;Send Message&#39; Icon is correctly hidden but the &#39;Message Group&#39; button is still shown when  clicking on &#39;Show members&#39;. SaaS-Fixed (v3900.102.0)
000077761 Blackboard Learn SaaS Ultra In the Ultra view, if a group member account is set to disable or unavailable, grades cannot be posted to the group&#39;s assessments where that member belongs. SaaS-Fixed (v3900.102.0)
000076977 Blackboard Learn MH, Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn Software 3900.60.0, 3900.62.0, 3900.65.0, 3900.67.0, 3900.69.0, 3900.71.0, 3900.56.0, 3900.58.0, 3900.50.0, 3900.52.0, 3900.54.0, 3900.74.0 Unlike &quot;StartTLS,&quot; the legacy LDAP option &quot;LDAPS&quot; currently does not support connection timeouts. If the connection to an LDAP Server using LDAPS cannot be established stuck threads can cause performance issues. Learn 9.1, 3900.102.0 Release SaaS-Fixed (v3900.102.0) No
000078678 Blackboard Learn SaaS Ultra Overall grades change when viewing each student&#39;s grade.  SaaS-Fixed (v3900.102.0)
000080170 Blackboard Learn SaaS 3900.100.0 Custom Ultra Language Packs are missing many of the language strings.<br><br>  SaaS-Fixed (v3900.102.0)
000078682 Blackboard Learn SaaS Ultra When a user sets &#39;Needs Grading&#39; filter in an Original course to show results for one item and then  goes to &#39;Needs Grading&#39; in another course, the displayed results will be zero if they do not click on the &#39;Go&#39; button. SaaS-Fixed (v3900.102.0)
000078620 Blackboard Learn SaaS Ultra New posts in a discussion assigned to groups do not show the notification icon to the instructor except for posts made by the first group, which show normally.  SaaS-Fixed (v3900.102.0)

Resolved Issues

Article Number Component Version: Description Target Fix Release
000087977 Blackboard Learn SaaS Blackboard Learn Users enrolled in a significant number of courses experience errors when accessing the Courses tab on the Learn mobile app. When a user with such enrollments attempts to load their courses, an error message is displayed instead of the expected list of courses. Fixed- Blackboard App_9.8
000060016 Blackboard Learn SaaS Versions, SaaS In Blackboard app version 5.8 on iOS devices, the question text in Original tests is repeated every few questions resulting in duplicated questions and mis-matched answer choices. Blackboard app version 5.8 was released to the App Store on Monday, October 19, 2020.
000055193 Blackboard Learn SaaS SaaS In Ultra courses, YouTube videos embedded in Document content items cannot be expanded to full screen in the Blackboard app on iPad.
000055182 Blackboard Learn SaaS Versions, SaaS When a user has music playing from a separate app while using the Blackboard app or Blackboard Instructor app on an Android device, the back button in Announcements and Items stops the music.
000056773 Blackboard Learn SaaS Versions, SaaS Grades Center columns with the Primary Display set as Percentage display to students as a check mark in the Blackboard app on iOS devices when the grade value is 100%.

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