Behind the Blackboard! New Post Bubble Icon in Discussion Boards Only Shows up When the Discussion is Also Displayed in the Course Content - Behind the Blackboard Skip Navigation
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New Post Bubble Icon in Discussion Boards Only Shows up When the Discussion is Also Displayed in the Course Content

Date Published: Jul 27,2024

CategoryProduct:Blackboard Learn SaaS
Article No.: 000076949
Learn SaaS
In Ultra Experience, when a discussion is displayed in the course content and a new entry is posted, there's a blue bubble icon next to the discussion's name in the course content section. The same icon appears as purple in the Discussions section. However, if the discussion is not displayed in the course's content section, the purple icon will not appear in the Discussions section when there are new entries posted.
Steps to Repeat:
  1. Log into Blackboard Learn Ultra Experience as an administrator 
  2. Create an Ultra View Course
  3. Create a new Discussion. Set it to be displayed in the Course Content section and to be visible to students
  4. Create a new Discussion. Set it to not be displayed in the Course Content section and to be visible to students
  5. Launch Student Preview Mode and go to the Course Discussions section to see both discussions
  6. Access both the discussions and post a new response
  7. Exit Student Preview Mode saving the student preview data
  8. In the course content section, note the displayed Discussion has a blue bubble icon indicating a new entry was made
  9. Go to the Discussions course section

Observed Behavior:
The discussion displayed in the Course Content has a purple bubble icon indicating there's an unread entry. The discussion not displayed in the Course Content does not have the icon, even though the unread entry will be highlighted in purple when accessing the Discussion.

Expected Behavior:
Both discussions have a purple bubble icon indicating there's an unread entry.


Target Release:

Future Reference

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