Behind the Blackboard! Blackboard Learn 3900.89 Release - Behind the Blackboard Skip Navigation
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Blackboard Learn 3900.89 Release

Date Published: Jul 27,2024

CategoryPlanned First Fix Release:3900.89.0 Release; Product:Blackboard Learn MH,Blackboard Learn SaaS,System Infrastructure; Version:Blackboard Learn
Article No.: 000078489
Learn Software


Update to client Production environments (Published April 18, 2024):
An updated version of 3900.89.0 (full release number: 3900.89.0-rel.31+520e1f0) is being applied to client Production servers on Thursday, April 18, 2024. 

  • Submission Receipt E-Mails Sent to Prime Hostname not Last-Logged-on Domain- Article #78515
  • Specific Users are Receiving an Error Message When Accessing Courses- Article #78568
  • The Assist Admin Pop-up and the 'New' Icon Has Been Removed for Ultra Base Navigation Users- Article #77589

We have fixed these issues. 


Update to client Production environments (Published April 11, 2024):
An updated version of 3900.89.0 (full release number: 3900.89.0-rel.27+ce0293f) is being applied to client Production servers on Thursday, April 11, 2024. 

  • Assignments and Grades Service out of Specs When Receiving Scores with Timestamps in the Past- Article #77440
  • Blank Page Displayed when Attempting to Copy Course Contents from Original to Ultra Course Using Copy Feature- Article #78533
  • Inconsistent Behavior for Ultra Granular Copy When Blank Page is in an Original Course Content- Article #78549
  • When trying to migrate any courses using the Kaltura building block, an error is displayed. 
We have fixed these issues.


Update to client Production environments (Published April 4, 2024):
An updated version of 3900.89.0 (full release number: 3900.89.0-rel.24+aaf7b5c) is being applied to client Production servers on Thursday, April 4, 2024.

  • After Working on the Course Outline ultraDocumentBody Documents Appear and can be Deleted Causing Data Loss- Article #78435

We have fixed this issue. 


Update to client Test/Stage environments (Published April 2, 2024):
An updated version of 3900.89.0 (full release number: 3900.89.0-rel.23+19cbb17) is being applied to client Test servers on Tuesday, April 2, 2024.

  • Calling a gradebook item from a child course creates a query error and returns 500. 
  • TDM Certificates are unable to download, getting a pop-up message 'error loading courses'.  

We have fixed these issues.

Update to client Test/Stage environments (Published March 26, 2024):
An updated version of 3900.89.0 (full release number: 3900.89.0-rel.19+b991569) is being applied to client Test servers on Tuesday, March 26, 2024.

  • Screen Orientation Changes on iPhones/iPads May Cause Errors in Hotspot Questions - Article #78114
  • B2 to LTI Migration Being Done When Turned Off in the Mapping Screen - Article #78504

We have fixed these issues.
Update to client Test/Stage environments (Published March 19, 2024):
An updated version of 3900.89.0 (full release number: 3900.89.0-rel.12+3bc86d7) is being applied to client Test servers on Tuesday, March 19, 2024.

  • Learning Modules Containing Tests and More Than 10 Contents Show Junk 'ultraDocumentBodies' and Break After Taking the Test - Article #77920
  • Feedback Pane Grade Results For Students Show Incorrect Grades When Ultra Assessments are Set To Percentage Grade Type - Article #78396
  • Automatic Feedback on Test Questions Shows an 'Undefined' Value for Students When Embedding LTI Content - Article #78427

We have fixed these issues.
The April 2024 - 3900.89 release is robust with features in 10 areas:

  • Instructional design;
  • Competency based education;
  • Tests and assignments;
  • Communication and collaboration;
  • Flexible grading;
  • Gradebook;
  • Learner progression and personalized experience;
  • Integrations;
  • Learn core and security, and
  • Upgrade to Ultra

These improvements impact instructors, students, and administrators. Some features do require administrative action.


  • AI Design Assistant – Context picker for Learning Modules, Assignments, Discussions, and Journals 
  • Default question points value changed from 10 to 1 
  • Duplicate questions in Assessments, Forms, and Question Banks 
  • Likert answer options expanded to include 4 and 6 
  • Auto-submitted indicator in attempt logs 
  • Overall grade information added to gradebook download 
  • Edit gradebook category for Partner Cloud content 
  • Long names visible and sorting controls for the Student Activity report for assessments on small devices and mobile app 
  • Individual date adjustments from Batch Edit 

Instructors and Students:

  • Student feedback remains visible to students regardless of release condition settings
  • Anonymous posts for Discussions
  •  Usability improvements for flexible grading 
  • Add question feedback when grading by student in Flexible Grading 
  • Calculations changed from using BigDecimal to BigFraction


  •  Persistent navigation for Learning Modules

Instructors and Administrators:

  • Option to convert Content Areas to Learning Modules 
  • Moodle Conversion Improvement: Gradebook Categories


  • Delete a deployment ID 
  • Converting Building Block content to LTI: Student submissions and feedback 
  • Rubric API enhancements 
  • Announcements API Enhancements: Creator information 
  • File Size limits now also apply to the Content Collection

Instructional Design 

AI Design Assistant – Context picker for Learning Modules, Assignments, Discussions, and Journals 
Blackboard Learn SaaS 
Ultra Experience 
Ultra Course View 
Impact: Instructors 

Related topics: Learning modulesAssignmentsDiscussions, and Journals 

Context selection is key for tailoring course content generated with the AI Design Assistant. The context picker also helps to ground generated content in an appropriate context.

 We are extending the context picker for test questions to other generation workflows: 

  • Learning modules 
  • Authentic assignments 
  • Authentic discussions 
  • Authentic journals

When Ultra documents are selected as context, file attachments on the Ultra document will also be included as context for all context pickers.

For administrators: You have to enable AI features to use the Context Picker for Learning Modules, Assignments, Discussions, and Journals. In Installed Tools, select Settings for AI Design Assistant and Unsplash. The default state is off. When this feature is on, the privilege will need to be assigned to course roles as necessary, such as Instructor. The privilege to assign is "Use AI features."


Persistent navigation for Learning Modules
Blackboard Learn SaaS 
Ultra Experience 
Ultra Course View 
Impact: Students

Related topic: Learning Modules

To improve students' navigation in a learning module, we updated the navigation bar. Now the navigation bar is sticky and remains visible as students vertically scroll through content. Students no longer need to scroll back up to the top of content to access the navigation tools. 

For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.


Competency Based Education 


Student feedback remains visible to students regardless of release condition settings 
Blackboard Learn SaaS 
Ultra Experience 
Ultra Course View 
Impact: Instructors, Students

Instructors may want to control access to course content using release conditions. This is helpful for providing custom learning paths through course content. The release conditions include an option to show or hide content to/from students before they meet release conditions. We've modified how these settings impact the students' view of feedback from instructors. Now instructors can set release conditions without any impact to feedback to students.  

In the past, when an instructor selected the option to hide content, students could view associated grades but not the feedback. We have corrected this to ensure that students can always review feedback.  

For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed. 


Tests & Assignments 


Default question points value changed from 10 to 1 
Blackboard Learn SaaS  
Ultra Experience  
Ultra Course View  
Impact: Instructors

We recognize that manually adjusting the point value for questions can be time-consuming and error prone. Based on valuable client feedback, we are changing the default point value from 10 to 1. Moving forward, any newly created questions will have a default point value of 1. This change helps reduce the need for manual adjustments.  

Questions copied from another assessment retain the designated point value.

For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed. 


Rubric API Enhancements 
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Administrators

Related topic: Learn APIs

Rubrics are fundamental tools for instructors, aiding in the fair and consistent evaluation of graded work. Now, administrators can leverage the enhanced API to perform the complete spectrum of CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for rubrics.

Developers will gain access to the following endpoints:

  • POST /learn/api/public/v1/courses/{courseId}/rubrics
  • PATCH or DELETE /learn/api/public/v1/courses/{courseId}/rubrics/{rubricId}

For administrators: The REST integration user must have the following entitlements:

  • For POST method: "Course/Organization Control Panel (Tools) > Rubrics > Create Rubric"
  • For PATCH method: "Course/Organization Control Panel (Tools) > Rubrics > Edit Rubric"
  • For DELETE method: "Course/Organization Control Panel (Tools) > Rubrics > Delete Rubric"

Duplicate questions in Assessments, Forms, and Question Banks
Blackboard Learn SaaS 
Ultra Experience 
Ultra Course View 
Impact: Instructors

This enhancement is a direct response to client feedback.

Sometimes an instructor may want to have a question repeated with the same answer options but a different question. The "Duplicate" option allows instructors to quickly copy an existing question within the same assessment (test, assignment, form) or in a question bank. This feature eliminates the need for manual duplication. It simplifies the process of creating multiple questions with the same answer options.

Instructors may edit the question text and answer options. There are no changes to how an instructor edits the question.

For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed. 


Likert answer options expanded to include 4 and 6 
Blackboard Learn SaaS   
Ultra Experience   
Ultra Course View   
Impact: Instructors

Instructors can now create Likert scale questions with 4 or 6 answer options. This allows for greater granularity in student responses. An even number of answer options also supports the creation of questions where students cannot select a neutral option. This enhancement is in response to valuable user feedback.

For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.


Auto-submitted indicator in attempt logs 
Blackboard Learn SaaS 
Ultra Experience 
Ultra Course View 
Impact: Instructors 

Related Topic: Attempt Logs

Understanding the context of student submissions is helpful to instructors. Now the Attempt Log indicates whether a submission is manual or automatic. This indicator provides instructors with deeper insights into student behaviors. This addition also allows instructors to better track their student progress. 

For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.


Communication & Collaboration

Anonymous posts for Discussions
Blackboard Learn SaaS 
Ultra Experience 
Ultra Course View 
Impact: Instructors and Students

Related topics: Create Discussions for InstructorsDiscussions for Students 

Discussions play a pivotal role in nurturing peer-to-peer interaction and critical thinking. Students need to feel free to express their ideas and opinions without fear of judgement. To support this, we've added an option for instructors to allow anonymous posts in ungraded discussions. This feature provides flexibility for instructors. They can toggle anonymity on or off as the discussion progresses. Any existing anonymous posts keep their anonymity. 

For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.


Flexible Grading 


Usability improvements for flexible grading
Blackboard Learn SaaS 
Ultra Experience   
Ultra Course View 
Impact: Instructors, Students 

Streamlining the grading process saves instructors time and reduces their workload. We have implemented several enhancements to Flexible Grading in response to instructor feedback. All the enhancements target improved usability and efficiency.  

We relocated the attempt selector to improve visibility and efficiency. It is now nearer to the attempt grade pill. This allows instructors to switch between a student's attempts during grading.  

The grading interface now displays a single grade pill. This provides a more intuitive grading workflow. The single grade pill also prevents accidental grade overrides. 

Overriding the final grade is now an explicit grading option. The three-dot menu next to the attempt grade pill now includes an Override Final Grade option. When selected, an Override label appears above the grade pill. Here the instructor can adjust the final grade for the submission. 

The submission receipt for the selected attempt now displays beneath the attempt selector.

For administrators: The Flexible Grading experience is a available behind a feature flag. The feature is on by default to ensure that the Flexible Grading interface is available to users by default. You can turn off the Flexible Grading interface by setting this feature to Off. 


Add question feedback when grading by student 
Blackboard Learn SaaS 
Ultra Experience   
Ultra Course View 
Impact: Instructors, Students

Instructors can now provide contextual feedback by student on all question types. Question level feedback promotes deeper understanding and personal growth among students. Question level feedback complements the existing capabilities of overall submission feedback and automated feedback for auto-graded questions.

Note: We are targeting the 3900.91 May release for per-question feedback when grading tests by questions.  

Once students have submitted their tests and scores are posted, students can access the feedback. Students can access both overall feedback and question-specific feedback.

For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed. 




Calculations changed from using BigDecimal to BigFraction 
Blackboard Learn SaaS and Learn 9.1 
Ultra Experience and Original Experience 
Ultra Course View and Original Course View 
Impact: Instructors, Students

Instructors need a gradebook that supports diverse grading scenarios. We are changing the software library used to perform calculations in calculated columns and the overall course grade.

Example: A course contains 3 assignments worth 22 points each. The student scores 13/22 on the first assignment, 14/22 on the second assignment, and 15/22 on the third assignment. An instructor creates a calculated column to calculate the average of these assignments.  

Using the new software library, BigFraction, the average will calculate as 14/22.

With the former software library, BigDecimal, the average would incorrectly calculate to 13.99/22. The new software library ensures calculations compute as expected.

For administrators: This change applies to both Ultra and Original courses. There are no configurations needed. 


Overall Grade added to the Gradebook Download 
Blackboard Learn SaaS   
Ultra Experience   
Ultra Course View   
Impact: Instructors 

Some instructors download grades from the gradebook. Downloading grades to applications like Microsoft Excel is helpful for further analysis.

Now, instructors can choose to include the Overall Grade for students in the downloaded gradebook. This additional data point helps provide a comprehensive view of student performance.

For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed. 


Edit gradebook category for Partner Cloud content 
Blackboard Learn SaaS   
Ultra Experience   
Ultra Course View   
Impact: Instructors 

Some instructors want to change the gradebook category for third-party content and tools (e.g., Cengage). Now instructors can edit the category information from the gradebook.

For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed. 


Learner Progression & Personalized Experience 

Long names visibility and sorting controls for the Student Activity report for assessments on small devices and mobile app
Blackboard Learn SaaS 
Ultra Experience 
Ultra Course View 
Original course view 
Impact: Instructors 

Related Topic: Student Activity Details for Assessments

Depending on the culture, personal name lengths vary. To continue demonstrating our commitment to diversity and inclusion, we adjusted long names in the Student Activity report for assessments. This change ensures that names are visible on a variety of devices. This helps instructors avoid confusion when viewing students with similar names. 

Also, instructors can now sort the student list by last name in small devices so they can organize the list easily. 

For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.




Delete a deployment ID 
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience and Original Experience
Impact: Administrators

Multiple deployments allow administrators to integrate to an LTI 1.3 third party tool that manages different credentials through the institutional hierarchy. Now administrators can delete these deployments and remove tenants that are no longer active.

For administrators: Deployment management is available for both the Ultra and Original Experience.


Converting Building Block content to LTI: Student submissions and feedback
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Original Experience
Original Course View
Impact: Administrators

Related topic: Convert Building Blocks to LTI

We remain committed to ensuring a smooth transition experience from building blocks to LTI. We have further enhanced our conversion tool. Now administrators can include student submissions and instructor feedback.

During the conversion process, the tool prompts administrators to select whether to include the content links added in student submissions and feedback. If selected, those links in student submissions and feedback transition to LTI format within the selected course.

We encourage administrators to review the conversion tool settings. Please make informed choices based on your institution's requirements. 

For administrators: If a course contains content from Kaltura, Panopto, Echo360, MediaSite and/or ShareStream building blocks, you must perform the conversion process for each building block.


Announcements API Enhancements: Creator Information  
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Ultra Experience, Original Experience
Ultra Course View, Original Course View
Impact: Administrators

Related topic: Learn APIs

Course announcements are vital for timely communication in courses. Some courses contain users in varying roles. Identifying announcement authors via REST API is challenging for users. We've enhanced the Announcement API by adding the "Creator" parameter. This reveals the user IDs of the authors of both Course and System Announcements.

With the new "Creator" parameter, developers can now identify the authors of announcements via API. Administrators can also filter announcements by the creator.

For administrators: The required entitlements for Announcements API remain unchanged.


Learn Core & Security


File Size limits now also apply to the Content Collection
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Administrators

Administrators must manage storage used by courses. We have enhanced group file size limits to now also apply to the Content Collection. This change helps administrators ensure responsible usage of storage across the platform.

For administrators: We recommend that you review any extensions and limits previously set.


Upgrade to Ultra


Option to convert Content Areas to Learning Modules 
Blackboard Learn SaaS 
Ultra Experience 
Ultra Course View 
Impact: Instructors and Administrators 

In previous releases, Content Areas converted to Folders when converting courses. We updated conversion so administrators can choose if Content Areas convert to Learning Modules or folders. 

Converting to Learning Modules is helpful for the following types of courses: 

  • Original Courses using more than one Content Area to organize course materials 
  • Courses migrating from Canvas, Brightspace, and Moodle Learning Management Systems 

The default setting is to convert Content Areas to Learning Modules.

For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed. 

 A new configuration option is available on the Ultra Experience Management page. The default state is ON. When OFF, Content Areas will convert to Folders instead of Learning Modules.


Moodle Conversion Improvement: Gradebook Categories 
Blackboard Learn SaaS 
Ultra Experience and Original Experience 
Ultra Course View and Original Course View 
Impact: Instructors and Administrators 


Related Topic: Migrate from Moodle

Categories provide a way for instructors to group assessments together in the Gradebook. Instructors can use categories to adjust the weighting of items in the Gradebook. Now when importing a Moodle package (.mbz), categories are preserved. Instructors will have the option to align these categories to assessments. 

For administrators: This feature is available for all courses. There are no configurations needed.


Individual date adjustments from Batch Edit 
Blackboard Learn SaaS 
Ultra Experience 
Ultra Course View 
Impact: Instructors

Related Topic: Batch Edit

Updating availability and due dates after a course copy, import, or a conversion can take time. We're making it easier for instructors to make date adjustments for any item on the Batch Edit page. Instructors now have the option to change the due date and availability (Show On and Hide After) for any item. 

For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.



Maintenance Fixes

You can view maintenance items for 3900.89 on Behind the Blackboard.  Our Known Issue articles provide information for individual bug fixes, and may include bug descriptions and which Learn versions were affected. You can filter bug fixes by SaaS release for easier navigation. Here are highlights of issues fixed in this release:

  • Gradable Items with Long Names Affect the Visibility of Other Items in the Gradebook Filter- Article #77579
  • Nulled Discussion Board Grades Causes Instructors Unable to Grade- Article #77809
  • Standalone Questions Created Under 'Find Question' With the 'Link to the Original Question' are not Showing on Grade by Question View- Article #78150
  • In Ultra the Question Analysis Report Miscalculates Average Time Spent in an Assignment- Article #77636
  • Tables Intermittently Lose Content When Saved Inside Ultra Course Document- Article #77035
  • Unable to Create Adaptive Release Rule Through the API When There are Exceptions Granted to Students- Article #78246
  • When Hidden Content is Copied the Created Copy does not Seem to be Hidden- Article #78005
  • On Test Options In Original Course View Drop Down Menu Disappears When Browser Window Size Is Reduced- Article #78249
  • In Ultra Text With Spaces That is Copied to Cell During Table Creation Disappears in Chrome, Edge and Firefox- Article #77799
  • Schemas Incorrectly Copy as Duplicate Titles if one Title has a Partial Pattern Match of a Schema Title in the Destination Course- Article #78236
  • Copy Item With an Image has the Same XID as Source Course- Article #78100
  • Students with Unavailable Enrollments Are Not Displayed in the Flex Grading 'Students' Tab- Article #78161
  • Simple File Names With Parenthesis are Sanitized by the XSS Filter in Announcements- Article #78134
  • Misleading Notifications for Failed Group Import Process- Article #78094
  • Microsoft Teams Integration not Adding Calendar Item in Courses- Article #77196
  • Duplicated Users on Gradebook Students List for Last Access- Article #77929
  • In Ultra Courses Users are Unable to Grade a Journal When Using Rubrics- Article #78252
  • The 'Overall Grade' Column is Missing From the Downloaded File When 'Select all' is Used- Article #78378
  • Announcements With an Attached Image File Cannot be Edited When Copied to a New Ultra Course- Article #77046
  • Rubrics in Tests can be Used with AI Generated Questions but not with Manual Generated Ones- Article #78318
  • SIS Integration Enrollment Record Failure is Causing Entire SIS Enrollments to Fail- Article #77791
  • In Original View Courses Using Learning Modules the Submit Button for Assessments is Hidden From Safari Users on Mac iOS-Article #77838
  • Screen Reader Fails to Read Learner Feedback- Article # 78110
  • In Ultra Flexible Grading View is Broken for Anonymous Submissions With More Than 10 Attempts With Accommodations Combined With More Than Regular 20 Attempts- Article #78283
  • Poor Performance When Restoring Course Packages That Have Many Test Questions With Pictures- Article #77735
  • Loss of Ultra Navigation When Reloading an Original Course Page While in Student Preview Mode- Article #78266
  • Issue with Forced Sequence Functionality for Gradable SCORM Content Items in Ultra- Article #77833
  • An Invalid Character in a SIS Feed File Creates Appearance of Duplicated Users- Article #77393
  • Special Characters in the Pronoun Search Field Break Pronoun Search- Article #78177
  • 'Reply All' in Message Reply is Missing- Article #77345
  • File Size Limit Warning do not Show Personalized Support Links- Article #78297
  • Text Editor Removes Some Spaces From Content Copied From Word- Article #78202
  • The Gradebook 'Students Selected' Count is Locked in Ultra Courses- Article #78257
  • Submissions Page Filter Breaks After Self-Enrollment Group is Renamed from Assignment Settings- Article #78282
  • Batch Import Group Members Fail When a Group is Created With the Same Name as the Group Set- Article #78038
  • Comments of Journal Entries are Disappearing When Two or More of Them are Requested to be Shown Leaving Available Only the Last One Shown- Article #78284
  • HTML Document Type Does not Work on iPad- Article #77949
  • Calculated Formula Question Variable Range Cannot be set with More than Three Decimal Places- Article #78348
  • Inconsistent Grade History Behavior for LTI-Owned Columns in the Gradebook- Article #77426
  • In Ultra Base Navigation Users Cannot Change the View of the Destination Course List When Copying a Course in Original View- Article #77385
  • Remaining Students are not Automatically Assigned to Self-enrollment Groups if the Course was Copied with Groups from Another Course- Article #78109
  • Ultra Discussion Forum Feedback Panel Intermittently Will Not Load for Discussions With a Moderate Number of Posts in Them- Article #78148
  • Adaptive Release Controls Load Slower The More Columns There Are In The Ultra Course- Article #78132
  • When Editing Content in an Ultra Document with Chrome-derived Browser a Sign In Pop-up is Requested for Alternative Domain- Article #77871
  • Application of Conditional Release Rule Disrupts Assignment Rubric Selection and Feedback Icon for Students in Ultra Courses- Article #77848
  • LTI for Turnitin Displaying an Intermittent Error Message on Launch- Article #78242
  • Attendance Privileges not Working in Custom Roles- Article #77558
  • Document Information Does not Render When Copying Force Sequence Learning Modules From Ultra Course View to Ultra Course View- Article #78399

Top Issues

Article Number Component Service Pack(s) Description Target Fix Release Patch Available
000078193 Blackboard Learn SaaS Ultra The Grades & Participation panel for a gradable discussion requests much more data than is shown on screen.  SaaS-Fixed (v3900.102.0)
000075982 Blackboard Learn SaaS Older_Release When copying the Instructor Course Role, an 'Oops! Something Went Wrong' messages appears on the site homepage.  SaaS-Fixed (v3900.102.0)
000078872 Blackboard Learn SaaS 3900.98.0, 3900.100.0 When entering non-English characters (such as Japanese, Arabic, Russian, Spanish, or other languages with special characters) into the student help text field, the system returns hexadecimal character codes instead of displaying the actual characters.<br><br>This issue affects the readability and usability of the text for users who require non-English characters. SaaS-Fixed (v3900.102.0)
000078912 Blackboard Learn SaaS 3900.95.0, 3900.98.0, 3900.100.0 When the &#39;Students and participants can&#39;t create or reply to course and organization messages&#39; is set at the administrator level there should not be a &#39;Send Message&#39; Icon or a &#39;Message Group&#39; button when clicking on &#39;Show members&#39;.<br><br>Currently the &#39;Send Message&#39; Icon is correctly hidden but the &#39;Message Group&#39; button is still shown when  clicking on &#39;Show members&#39;. SaaS-Fixed (v3900.102.0)
000077761 Blackboard Learn SaaS Ultra In the Ultra view, if a group member account is set to disable or unavailable, grades cannot be posted to the group&#39;s assessments where that member belongs. SaaS-Fixed (v3900.102.0)
000076977 Blackboard Learn MH, Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn Software 3900.60.0, 3900.62.0, 3900.65.0, 3900.67.0, 3900.69.0, 3900.71.0, 3900.56.0, 3900.58.0, 3900.50.0, 3900.52.0, 3900.54.0, 3900.74.0 Unlike &quot;StartTLS,&quot; the legacy LDAP option &quot;LDAPS&quot; currently does not support connection timeouts. If the connection to an LDAP Server using LDAPS cannot be established stuck threads can cause performance issues. Learn 9.1, 3900.102.0 Release SaaS-Fixed (v3900.102.0) No
000078678 Blackboard Learn SaaS Ultra Overall grades change when viewing each student&#39;s grade.  SaaS-Fixed (v3900.102.0)
000080170 Blackboard Learn SaaS 3900.100.0 Custom Ultra Language Packs are missing many of the language strings.<br><br>  SaaS-Fixed (v3900.102.0)
000078682 Blackboard Learn SaaS Ultra When a user sets &#39;Needs Grading&#39; filter in an Original course to show results for one item and then  goes to &#39;Needs Grading&#39; in another course, the displayed results will be zero if they do not click on the &#39;Go&#39; button. SaaS-Fixed (v3900.102.0)
000078620 Blackboard Learn SaaS Ultra New posts in a discussion assigned to groups do not show the notification icon to the instructor except for posts made by the first group, which show normally.  SaaS-Fixed (v3900.102.0)

Resolved Issues

Article Number Component Version: Description Target Fix Release
000087977 Blackboard Learn SaaS Blackboard Learn Users enrolled in a significant number of courses experience errors when accessing the Courses tab on the Learn mobile app. When a user with such enrollments attempts to load their courses, an error message is displayed instead of the expected list of courses. Fixed- Blackboard App_9.8
000060016 Blackboard Learn SaaS Versions, SaaS In Blackboard app version 5.8 on iOS devices, the question text in Original tests is repeated every few questions resulting in duplicated questions and mis-matched answer choices. Blackboard app version 5.8 was released to the App Store on Monday, October 19, 2020.
000055193 Blackboard Learn SaaS SaaS In Ultra courses, YouTube videos embedded in Document content items cannot be expanded to full screen in the Blackboard app on iPad.
000055182 Blackboard Learn SaaS Versions, SaaS When a user has music playing from a separate app while using the Blackboard app or Blackboard Instructor app on an Android device, the back button in Announcements and Items stops the music.
000056773 Blackboard Learn SaaS Versions, SaaS Grades Center columns with the Primary Display set as Percentage display to students as a check mark in the Blackboard app on iOS devices when the grade value is 100%.

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