Known Issue: Chrome or Edge crashes when application sharing for a small percentage of Windows 10 users

Known Issue: Chrome or Edge crashes when application sharing for a small percentage of Windows 10 users

Date Published: Sep 29,2020 Category:    Article No.: 000060664

Description: Known Issue: Chrome or Edge with Chromium crashes when application sharing for a small percentage of Windows 10 users with Realtek drivers. This issue is a problem with Chromium.


Known Issue Summary

The Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser crashes when application sharing in Collaborate for a small percentage of Windows 10 users with Realtek drivers. This issue seems to be a problem with Chromium and the driver. 

Affected Platforms

Windows 10, Google Chrome browser, Edge with Chromium, Realtek driver
Cause: The issue seems to be an incompatibility between the Realtek exe and Chromium's application sharing module.

Resolution/Workaround: Workaround 1
To fix Chrome or Edge, please try the following workaround:
  1. Using Window's search bar, search for: SwUSB.exe
  2. Rename the file to something similar to SwUSB-rename.exe
  3. Restart your computer and try application sharing again
Workaround 2
Use Firefox to Application Share
Information: If you would like to inform Google of the issue, please follow Google's directions on reporting crashes here: