Discussion Grades & Participation Requests Excessive Data

Discussion Grades & Participation Requests Excessive Data

Date Published: Sep 06,2024 Category: Planned_First_Fix_Release:X3900_102_0_Release; Product:Blackboard_Learn_SaaS; Version:Ultra   Article No.: 000078193

Product: Learn SaaS

Release: SaaS

Service Pack(s): Ultra

Description: The Grades & Participation panel for a gradable discussion requests much more data than is shown on screen. 

Steps to Replicate:

  1. Log into Blackboard Learn Ultra Experience as an administrator 
  2. Create a course 
  3. Add more than 25 students 
  4. Add a gradable discussion 
  5. Log in as some of the student users and post in the discussion
  6. Return to the instructor view and go to the Gradebook (The Discussion)
  7. Open the network inspector
  8. Select Grades & Participation 
  9. Look for an HTTP post like: https://mylearn.int.bbpd.io/learn/api/v1/courses/_132245_1/gradebook/grades/bulkView?courseId=_132245_1&expand=grade.instructorFeedback,attempts and switch to the 'Payload' tab

Observed Behavior: 
Only the first 25 student users (page size) records are requested. 

Expected Behavior: 
All the records were requested. 

Symptoms: If the amount of students is very high, a noticeable delay fetching them may incur, but if the amount of students is small it would not be noticeable. 

Target Release: SaaS-Fixed (v3900.102.0)