The ‘Mobile App token timeout configuration’ and 'Improved Mobile Authentication' Features Scheduled for Release in Version 3900.95 Will Be Delayed

The ‘Mobile App token timeout configuration’ and 'Improved Mobile Authentication' Features Scheduled for Release in Version 3900.95 Will Be Delayed

Date Published: Jun 28,2024 Category: Product:Blackboard_Learn_SaaS; Version:Learn_BU   Article No.: 000078795
Bulletin/Advisory Information: This announcement is to inform clients that the ‘Mobile App token timeout configuration’ and 'Improved mobile authentication' features that were intended to be launched in version 3900.95 won't be available when this version is released. Our developer team identified issues that can't be immediately resolved, and the decision was made to delay these solutions. Once we have a launching date, we will let you know.

Thank you for your patience.