Word Documents with Floated Tables and  Multiple Pages miss some of the Pages in BB Annotate

Word Documents with Floated Tables and Multiple Pages miss some of the Pages in BB Annotate

Date Published: Jul 27,2024 Category: Product:Blackboard_Learn_SaaS; Version:Learn_9_1_3900_54_0   Article No.: 000077148

Product: Learn SaaS

Release: 9.1;SaaS

Service Pack(s): 3900.54.0


If a Word Document is created with a large table that spans several pages, and the table has the float property set, then the rendering in BB Annotate shows only the first few pages.

Steps to Replicate:

  1. Use Microsoft Word to create a document
  2. Create a large table that spans many pages
  3. Right click the table and select "Table Properties"
  4. Select "Text Wrapping:" "Around"
  5. Upload the document to BB annotate
Expected Behavior
The document displays all pages

Observed Behaviour
Only the first (eg.) 2 pages appear.


  1. Open the document in Microsoft Word
  2. Right click the table
  3. Select "Table Properties"
  4. Set "Text Wrapping" to "None"
Screenshot of Microsoft Word table properties showing the location of the Text Wrapping option

Target Release: Future Reference
Patch Available: No