Ultra Organizations View Become Courses if They are Included in SIS Feed Files That are Run Against the Course Data Type SIS Operation

Ultra Organizations View Become Courses if They are Included in SIS Feed Files That are Run Against the Course Data Type SIS Operation

Date Published: Jul 27,2024 Category: Planned_First_Fix_Release:Future_Reference_Learn; Product:Blackboard_Learn_SaaS; Version:Ultra   Article No.: 000076917

Product: Learn SaaS

Release: SaaS

Service Pack(s): Ultra

Description: If Organizations are included in a Course based SIS feed file by mistake, the Organizations will become Courses despite using the Course Data Type. This happens without using the Service Level header in the feed file. 

Steps to Replicate:

  1. Log into Blackboard Learn as an administrator 
  2. Navigate to Admin > Organizations > Create Organization > New
  3. Enter the Organization ID as organizationID1 plus any other desired information for the new Organization
  4. Under Organization View Options select Ultra Organization View
  5. Click on Submit
  6. Navigate to AdminData Integration > Student Information System Integrations
  7. Select Create Integration > Snapshot Flat File - enter desired settings then click Submit
  8. Click the drop down icon next to the name of the Integration > select Upload Feed File.
  9. Next to File Location click Browse and select the feed file which should contain the following:Screenshot_1.png
  10. For Data Type select Course > click on Submit
  11. Navigate to Admin > Organizations > search for the Organization

Observed Behavior:
The Organization can no longer be found in Organization search, it has become a course. 

Expected Behavior:
The Organization is listed in the Organization search results. 



Target Release: Future Reference