Hidden Documents on Forced Sequence Enabled Modules are Being Copied as Visible-to-Students Documents on the Destination Courses

Hidden Documents on Forced Sequence Enabled Modules are Being Copied as Visible-to-Students Documents on the Destination Courses

Date Published: Jan 05,2025 Category: Planned_First_Fix_Release:Learn_9_1_3900_86_0_Release; Product:Blackboard_Learn_SaaS; Version:Ultra   Article No.: 000078363

Product: Learn SaaS

Release: SaaS

Service Pack(s): Ultra

Description: Documents that are hidden on Forced Sequence enabled modules are being copied and made available to students in destination courses.

Steps to Replicate:

  1. Log into Blackboard Learn Ultra Experience as an administrator
  2. Navigate to System Admin > Courses 
  3. Create an Ultra View Course and enroll as an instructor in the course 
  4. Enter the Course and create two Modules with Documents in them
  5. Set the visibility for both Modules to Hidden from Students
  6. Set only one of the Modules to use Force Sequence
  7. Create a second Ultra Course and enroll as an Instructor in it
  8.  In the Course Content area, press the three dots "..." and then select the "Copy Items"
  9. Copy the content from the first Course into the Second one
  10. Review the visibility of the copied items
Observed Behavior: 
Students can now view the Force Sequence Module documents, but the Force Sequence-free Module is still hidden.

Expected Behavior:
The Destination Course would still hide content from both modules.


Target Release: SaaS-Fixed (v3900.86.0-rel.39 or higher)