Gradebook Log REST API Call Throws 500 Error Code

Gradebook Log REST API Call Throws 500 Error Code

Date Published: Jan 05,2025 Category: Planned_First_Fix_Release:Learn_9_1_3900_95_0_Release; Product:Blackboard_Learn_MH,Blackboard_Learn_SaaS,Blackboard_Learn_Software; Version:Learn_9_1_3900_80_0,Learn_9_1_3900_82_0,Learn_9_1_3900_78_0,SaaS   Article No.: 000078135

Product: Learn SaaS

Release: 9.1;SaaS

Service Pack(s): 3900.80.0, 3900.82.0, 3900.78.0, SaaS

Description: Under certain circumstances, calls to the Gradebook Log REST API returns a 500 error code.

Steps to Replicate:  

  1. Log into Blackboard Learn as an administrator
  2. Go to System Admin Course/Organization Roles
  3. Copy the role Instructor (Id: "P")
  4. Create a course
  5. Add a user to this course as the custom role from step 3
  6. Add a gradable item. Add a student so that the Grade Center will not be empty
  7. Log in as the user from step 4. Grade the item.
  8. Use the REST API to access /learn/api/public/v1/courses/{courseId}/gradebook/logs

Observed Behavior:  
Results are returned from API.

Expected Behavior:  
A 500 error is returned from API.


Cause: The root cause is that the API checks the role code against a precomposed list of standard roles and doesn't respond correctly when not found in this list.

Target Release: SaaS - Fixed (v3900.95.0-rel.36 or higher)