Custom Organization Role does not Display Properly in Organization Messages Page

Custom Organization Role does not Display Properly in Organization Messages Page

Date Published: Jul 27,2024 Category: Product:User_and_Role_Management_SaaS   Article No.: 000075048

Product: Learn SaaS

Release: SaaS

Steps to Replicate:

  1. Log into Blackboard Learn (Ultra environment) as System Administrator
  2. Navigate to System Admin > Course/Organization Roles
  3. Copy any default role and edit the 'ROLE NAME IN ORGANIZATIONS'
  4. Create an organization and enroll yourself as a Leader
  5. Enroll one more user using the role created in Step 4
  6. Navigate to the Organization > Messages 
  7. Click the + (plus sign) in the top right corner to add a message
  8. Select Recipients
Observed Behavior:
The Organization role name displays as:

Expected Behavior:
The Organization role name is localized and displays properly.

Symptoms: 2020-11-19_08-54-02 (1).png

Target Release: SaaS-Fixed (v.3900.39.0)
Patch Available: No