Blackboard Client Support Services Guides

Blackboard Client Support Services Guides

Date Published: Jun 05,2020 Category: Product:Connect,Ally_BU,Learn_BU,Analytics_For_Learn; Version:Connect,Ally_BU,Learn_BU,Analytics   Article No.: 000072047
Product: All Products
Resource Type: Support Tools

Product Support, Maintenance, and Service Level Terms
The product and service support, maintenance, and service level terms provided or linked-to below (“Support Terms”) are in addition to the terms of the Blackboard Master Services Agreement (“MSA”) applicable to a customer’s products or services.  Support Terms may list multiple support levels and related terms, and in those instances a customer’s Order Form (as defined in the MSA) will indicate the level of Support Terms for which a customer is eligible for each product or service.  In the absence of such an indication, a customer is eligible for the most basic level of support.  (For example, if Silver and Gold levels are provided, in the absence of an indication to the contrary in an Order Form, the customer is eligible for Silver level support.)   
If a customer has ordered a product for which Support Terms do not appear herein, only the terms of the MSA govern such support, maintenance, and service level terms.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, nothing in these Support Terms shall negatively affect Blackboard’s limitations of liability provided in the MSA.
Changes in these Support Terms

Unless otherwise indicated in a customer Order Form or in these Support Terms, the Support Terms applicable for the initial term or any renewal term (as applicable) of a customer’s contract are those Support Terms that were in effect as of the commencement of that initial term or the particular renewal term (as applicable) related to the relevant product or service. (Customers may obtain a copy of the terms then in effect for any product or service by contacting their account executive.)
Support Terms
Please click on the links below for the Support Terms related to the indicated product or service.



Blackboard Ally Client Support Services Guide
Blackboard Ally Specifications and Service Levels


Blackboard Analytics Client Support Services Guide
Blackboard Analytics Service Level Agreement


 Blackboard Learn Client Support Services Guide
Blackboard Learn SaaS Specifications and Service Levels
Blackboard Learn Managed Hosting Specifications and Service Levels
Blackboard Learn SaaS & Managed Hosting Rate Card (This KB article requires that you log into Behind the Blackboard in order to access it)


SafeAssign Service Level Agreement for Moodle



Please see the attached document in the Attachments area below.