Installing and Configuring the Collaborate Ultra Moodle Plugin

Installing and Configuring the Collaborate Ultra Moodle Plugin

Date Published: Oct 27,2021 Category:    Article No.: 000071098

Product: Collaborate - Ultra Experience

Document Type: User Documentation

Document Summary:


This article contains instructions for downloading and installing the Collaborate Ultra Moodle Plugin.


OpenLMS Clients

OpenLMS clients should file a case with OpenLMS Support to have plugins installed.

All other Moodle users may continue with the instructions in this document.

Downloading the Plugin

Go to:
Supported versions of Moodle are listed to the right of the plugin version:
User-added image

Installing the plugin

  • Extract the .zip file to a temporary location.
  • ​From the temporary location, copy the contents of:

(where moodle_dir is the location of the Moodle code on the server, for example, /var/www/html/moodle). In this case you would copy the contents to
for example

  • (Optional) If you're using a theme that displays its own icons, you must copy the Blackboard Collaborate activity plugin icon into your theme’s directory. For example, if you were using the Chameleon theme with Moodle 1.6 or above, you will need to create a Blackboard directory in that theme.

into the following Chameleon directory:

For example, copy

  • Visit the Moodle administration page (for example, This page shows you the progress as the database installation script for the Collaborate plugin is executing.

  • When installation is complete, click Continue. You will be notified of any errors or warnings, if they exist.

Configuring the plugin

The Collaborate 3.3.3 plugin (and newer) now uses the REST API and requires REST API credentials. Collaborate Ultra 3.2.3 plugin (an older) takes SAS admin credentials.  These credentials will be delivered to you via email by our Cloud Provisioning group. The configuration will look like the screen shot below. Successful configuration will render the green "verification" message shown.

Moodle Collaborate 3.3.3 plugin

Moodle 3.3.3 REST configuration page

Moodle Collaborate 3.2.2 plugin

User-added image 

Obtaining integration Credentials

If you need Integration credentials, please file a case with Collaborate Support by following these instructions:

Please do not use the same credentials for both the Collaborate Plugin and an External LTI tool in Moodle, issues and errors will result!

Submit a case on Behind the Blackboard (available in English only).
Fill in all of the fields and make these selections:

  • From the Environment menu, select Web Conferencing.
  • From the Issue Topic menu, select Integrations.
  • From the Functional Area menu, select Moodle.
  • From the Category menu, select Request integration credentials.
  • In the Description area, specify that you need Collaborate Integration credentials for the Collaborate Ultra Plugin for Moodle PROD, TEST etc.
Switching from SOAP API to REST API when going from 3.2.3 to the 3.3.3 plugin
Clients that would like to use the functionality in the REST API, will need to upgrade to the 3.3.3 plugin and then open a case with support to request REST API credentials. Any sessions or recordings that were created with the 3.2.3 "SOAP API" credentials will continue to authenticate via SOAP and will retain the existing SOAP functionality. Sessions and recordings created after the "REST API" credentials are added will use REST to authenticate and will have the REST API features. Please note the "Migrate to REST API" button, currently does nothing.